TKO webboard
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TKO webboard

The first thai boxing webboard when you think about boxing.
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sugar ray
World Superflyweight Champion
World Superflyweight  Champion
sugar ray

จำนวนข้อความ : 559
Registration date : 21/12/2006

Դâ鹡Ѻ٨ Empty
ตั้งหัวข้อเรื่อง: Դâ鹡Ѻ٨   Դâ鹡Ѻ٨ EmptyWed Feb 07, 2007 10:04 am

ͧ俷ԴẺӹ˹ѡѹ ԹԡѴ 5 -8 ͹ͧմ鹪ǻ Ѻ٨ . ó شṹʧ¹ẺҴ 㹿ê״Ҵ ״Ҵ駵աԹҧͿʹ½ ѷΌ·˴Ъʹͧ俷
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